Health educations continued to be held in the four communities under the project sponsored by the Caritas Austria.
The topics covered diabetes mellitus, herbal making, pneumonia and family planning in Barangays Maharuhay, Gibitngil, Kawit, and Daanlungsod. They were given by staff of the Visayas Primary Healthcare Services for community health workers and residents in the communities.
The health education informal gatherings were held four times every month since January in the four barangays.
The campaign on hypertension control continued in the four barangays. CHWs monitored the blood pressure of identified hypertensive patients to ensure that their blood pressure was controlled and they were regularly taking their medications. Campaign on nutrition was also sustained where the CHWs took the weights of children who were identified to be malnourished to ensure that they had weight gain.
Herbal medicine processing including lagundi syrup and skin ointment made of extracts from temple flower, hemlock and malunggay, was also continued by the mothers in the communities.