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Meeting with Bogo City Health Officer on Setting up of Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities and Installation of Handwashing Facilities.

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A meeting was conducted with Bogo City Health Officer Dr. Rene Galo Palay and Public Health Nurse Maricel Mariquit on September 7, 2020 at 2 p.m. at the Bogo City Health Office. The agenda was to discuss about the setting of temporary treatment and monitoring facilities in Bogo City.

Project team Irish Grace Ramirez and Lora Manigos conducted the meeting.

Before the said agenda was discussed, Dr. Palay mentioned about the coming training for Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams (BHERTs) on September 21 – 22 and 24 – 25 which the Association of Barangay Captains and the Rural Health Unit Nurses had scheduled during the project orientation on September 3. Dr. Palay said that the nurses in the RHU may not be able to attend the training due to their duties in the RHU; however, if they cannot, he will let the midwives attend the training instead.

Dr. Palay added that he wanted all barangay captains of the city to attend the BHERTs trainings in order to strengthen their capacity on COVID-19 response. The BHERTs training would be a good avenue to address issues in the barangays, according to Dr. Palay.

Bogo City has an existing TTMF in Barangay La Paz with a bed-capacity of 11 persons. It opened in the first week of June.

There is also another TTMF in the city, located in Barangay Banban, which is in the form of a trailer van. Dr. Palay said it is the first of its kind in the Visayas Region. The LGU will apply for accreditation of the TTMF with the Department of Health (DOH) in order that it can then apply for Philhealth accreditation. It has a total bed capacity of 34 persons. There is a Memorandum of Agreement signed between the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) which built the van and furnished it according to DOH standards, and Bogo City.

On the installation of handwashing facilities in the city, Dr. Palay agreed upon the sites provided by the grant agreement on the installation, namely: public market 1 and 2 in Barangay Cantecson, the Polambato wharf in Barangay San Vicente, the bus terminal in Barangay Poblacion, and the City Health Office in Barangay Cantecson. The handwashing facility in the latter site will be installed outside the CHO building.

The meeting ended with expression of openness of the City Health Officer to support the project activities in the coming months.

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