A project “Promoting environmental sanitation and solid waste management towards better health” is currently being implemented in Barangay Tangke, Talisay City, Cebu.The project, funded by the Foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE) started last November 2012.The project covers seven sitios in Barangay Tangke, one of the 22 barangays in Talisay City, with a population of nearly 2,000 households and is implemented in partnership with the Tangke United Fisherfolk Association (TUFA).
Seminars and discussions on solid waste management for the leaders and members of TUFA were conducted in Jan. and February 2013. Mr. Roberto Bajenting, consultant of the Cebu Coalition for Food Security and natural farming advocate talked extensively about applying the three R’s, that is, reuse, reduce and recycle waste materials in the households. He demonstrated how to make a compost using ordinary household wastes such as kitchen food waste and dried leaves sprayed with indigenous microorganisms (IMO) solution. He also demonstrated how discarded internal organs and parts of fish can be mixed with molasses in order to produce fertilizers for plants and feeds for livestock such as pigs and chicken. Tangke has a thriving business of processing dried fish.
The project aims to enhance the capacity of TUFA to promote environmental sanitation and solid waste management towards better health.
The project is part of the efforts of the VPHCS to develop a community-based health program in Tangke. It has community health workers trained by the VPHCS that renders basic health services.