If you are young and you have problems related with sex, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, contraception, or other aspects of adolescent reproductive health, the VPHCS can help you.
In line with its current project, the Yo! Lead (A Leadership Program for Youth–initiated RH Advocacy and Services in the Philippines) the VPHCS has a hotline called the Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) Short Message Service (SMS) hotline.
Peer educators of the Y4R network who have been trained and mentored since 2006 answer confidential queries on SRH of interested youth through SMS or text message, making the transfer of accurate SRH information and peer counseling to peers more accessible and youth-friendly.
A manual for peer educators containing information, guidance and standard procedures for the hotline serves as a guide in answering text messages received by them and VPHCS personnel.
The numbers of the hotline in Cebu are the following,
for schools, 09275597203, 09081287568, 09326928525;
for communities, 09275819903, 09291053857, 09326928558.
Bohol: 09275597095, 09081286547, 09323675500.
Negros: 09275597202, 09081286546, 09326928557.